Remembering What We Already Know

Without realising it, we have all accepted the ordinary belief that we can only know what we have learned with our five senses in this lifetime. At home, in school, in religious institutions we are exposed to the belief of a limited library. We have also been taught that we have limited health and ageing capacities. That our chromosomes can only divide so many times before they succumb to what is known as senescence or ageing which ultimately leads to illness or death.

The task of the wisdom carrier is to remember what we already know, (known as the archetype of the Arrow Carrier) not limited by the five senses or to this lifetime’s library of knowledge. Hummingbird archetype teaches us that we are more resilient than we ever dreamed of. That with the wisdom which we can uncover with our non-ordinary practices, we can reach information and levels of healing that are the stuff of what is thought of as fantasy or science fiction.

Just as we have seen that the old theories of biology, physics and evolution are losing their dominance in the face of so called ‘new discoveries’ about the Quantum Field and the nature of our origins, there has also been groundbreaking work in the field of medicine concerning how much impact we can have on the processes of ageing and our health. The story of telomeres and the enzyme telomerase as part of the epigenetic picture sheds new light on this old story.

The wisdom carriers have always known how to retrieve this information. Journeying between the worlds and dimensions, rituals that create energetic connection with our Oversoul or Higher Self, calling on Hummingbird to teach us about our own individual and species resilience. These are just some of the practices that bring the insights that we call invention, inspiration and discovery.

Above all, the heart has always been the biggest picture. Learning to direct the powerful electromagnetic field emanating from our hearts to entrain our brains results in increased clarity of vision, clarity of thought and the ability to reach across the limiting beliefs in what we can only see and touch. Heart-brain coherence leads to resilience. It is also this coherence which forms the basis for us to reach brain wave states that enable us to remember what we already know. We task ourselves as wisdom carriers to embody the wisdom of the Arrow Carrier and the curiosity, joy and tenaciousness of the Hummingbird while we breathe a limitless world into this time.


Green Feet in the fire


Eyes of the Heart