Epigenetics & Shamanic Wisdom
Healing happens when we come into alignment with unlimited possibility rather than calculated probability. When we can entrain the particle to slip back into the wave, if only for a nanosecond, we open the window to a new story.
We were taught that our DNA is a story written in stone. The latest discoveries in the field of genome studies have shown us a very different story. One that has much more to do with the expression of the genes in our DNA and less to do with the stone tablets of the double helix. In this version there are countless possibilities for how that story plays out.
Epigenetics is the study of how genes are up-regulated and down-regulated by environmental factors (including everything outside your body that you put into your body) as well as internal thoughts, feelings and emotions. This is good news because turning your mind and heart to feelings of gratitude, even for the smallest thing in your life, love, compassion, caring, joy, can up regulate your genes via the chemical messengers that tell the cells to turn on and create the optimum processes for well being of every kind. Stress, looping in negative emotions and stories, (in other words, being addicted to an emotion or painful story) causes the down regulation which is known to turn on stress chemicals leading to dis-ease and a general lack of well being and energy flow.
The wisdom teachers have always known this without calling it science or technology. The mandala, the fire, the mesa, the rattle and the prayer are all ways of employing technologies that have deep influence on our well being.
When we begin the mesa process, we are working with deepening awareness of our old wounds and traumas. We spend time sharing the story of the trauma, how it hurt and scared us, how it enraged us. We blow the memories of the injuries in this lifetime, this body, into each of the three stones. Then via the process of the mandala, we call on the Nature Beings and the Celestial Beings to come and assist us in clearing the imprints of these injuries. This is a wonderful beginning, shifting the momentum of how these injuries are the unconscious and unseen conductors of our daily lives and emotions.
As the mesa process deepens, we move into putting any of the wounds that still linger or new ones we have uncovered, into a new mandala where we represent them and then call in the healed state. We are envisioning and observing and therefore encouraging matter (particle form) to return to energy-light (wave form) where anything and everything beyond our ability to imagine can now come in and reorganize how life feels and literally how it appears to us.
This has been called a miracle by those who don’t understand that this is actually divine or mystical technology available in our own hearts and minds. That divinity which exists within us, strengthened by our Networks of Affection, our Natural and Celestial allies, has the capacity to rearrange how matter appears and behaves. The mandala is one of the places to call in a new outcome.
When I say that we represent the healed state, I don’t mean that we confine or control it by saying it has to happen at this time or place or even precisely in the way we are envisioning it. We represent it using symbols and pictured stories of health, abundance and well being which turn on the chemicals needed to up-regulate our genes. Then we let go and ask the Universe to bring us what is just right for our growth. No micro-managing. As Ester Hicks would say don’t start asking ‘where’s my stuff” !
The healer wants to hang out in the wave form as much as possible. Away from roles and egos and old stories. We bring our vibration of the Hollow Bone, of Allied energy, of reverence - and we open the window. Sweeping out the debris that clogs up the flow of energy in the client’s field, bringing harmonic resonance to the energy centres, re-imprinting with Light.
To strengthen our medicine capacities, we need to spend time in what the Mayan wisdom keepers called ’Being in a Place Well’, being mindful in nature, in every day life. Talking to the trees, calling on the creatures, singing to the Waters. Cleaning our energy fields every day with powerful intent for this lifetime where we have the privilege of becoming Awake. Pacha, Munay, Ayni, Allyu, Well Being. Being organised by these principles of consciousness gives us the technologies to do this. The mesa, the mandala, the fire, the rituals of initiation and cleansing, provide us with the tools we need for manifesting with powerful intent.